A Journeywoman Seeks to Know God with Christine Gordon

In this week’s episode, we’re throwing it back to a conversation we shared years ago with Christine Gordon about how a Journeywoman seeks to know and love God more. Christine Gordon (aka Chris) is the co-founder of At His Feet Bible Studies and a visiting instructor at Covenant Theological Seminary, where she also attended and earned her Master of Arts in Theological Studies. We hope you’ll walk away from this conversation encouraged to know and love God more through his Word and that you’ll press into your local body of believers to encourage and be encouraged by your brothers and sisters who are also striving to that end. 

Our hope is that this episode encourages you to simply seek to know and love God more today than you did yesterday. That is what being a Journeywoman is all about, day by day, until we find ourselves at THE day when we get to be together with him, forever. 


  1. How much of God can we know?

  2. What are the primary ways that God reveals himself to us?

  3. What are the results of having a skewed or inaccurate view of God?

  4. Can we ever fully understand God?

  5. How do we learn more about God?

  6. J.I. Packer says, “One can know a great deal about God without much knowledge of him.” What do you think he means by that?

  7. What characterizes people who know God?

  8. How does knowing and loving God change who we are and the way we live?

  9. Was there ever a time in your life when you didn’t feel like seeking to know and love God?


“When we talk about knowing God, we are talking about him in the relational sense. We don’t talk about him like the periodic table or like tax law, because he’s a person.”

“We can know enough about God. We are finite, he is not. We will always be finite, so in that way we will never know the fullness of God. And that is not a bad thing. He has revealed himself in so many ways in his kindness, compassion, justice, and mercy. We can know enough. That’s what we can know.”

“God wants to be known, and the ways he chooses to make himself known are so complex… It’s as if God has launched this massive PR campaign to show us who he is because he wants to be known. He does it in the skies above, he does it in the stars, he does it in his Word, he does it in Jesus. How do we know him? He’s everywhere.”

“General revelation: nature, man’s conscience. Special revelation: the Word, the incarnation”

“We read it, we study it, we sing it, and then we watch this man as he walks around as God in the flesh.”

“Anytime you try to talk about who Jesus is or who God is with any kind of substance, what you're doing is theology. When you sing to your kids, ‘Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so,’ you're doing theology.”

Lauren: “God wants to be known by us, and he has given us tangible means to do that—guys, that is such a GIFT! Chris mentioned “special revelation”, or how God specifically reveals himself through his Word and through the person of Jesus. At Journeywomen we talk about the Word of God A LOT, and in this series where we’re talking about “What is a journeywoman?”, we can say that a Journeywoman is one who prioritizes the Word of God in order to know the person of God more. But, if we’re honest, it can be really hard to prioritize God’s Word. I’ve found that the biggest hindrance to me spending time in the Word is the narratives I tell myself, which we can combat with what we know is true: So when you feel like you aren’t “getting anything useful” out of your study of the Word… Remember the truth that God’s Word was not primarily written to answer your questions or fix your problems – it was written to reveal God’s character to you. When you don’t feel like reading your Bible is changing you. You can trust that “the Word of God is living and active…” When you don’t feel the desire to spend time in the Word…Stop and take a moment to remind yourself that these are the very words of God. When you’re discouraged and don’t want to read the Bible or you feel like your time in the Word has become stale or fruitless… Read it anyway. Keep digging in and immersing yourself in it. It is still so worth it to regularly invest time in meeting God in his Word. I’ll be the first to confess that I forget these truths—often. Sometimes making time to read the Word is difficult, but what really helps me is to remember why we read God’s Word. Guys, the Word of God is the revelation of God himself to his people. The Bible is the very words of God and it is the most tangible, intimate way of knowing him on this side of heaven. We read the Word because we believe in the Word made flesh, Jesus, and because in God’s Word we can see more of Jesus’ character, life, and story. We read the Word because remembering how Christ has rescued and redeemed us from our sins restores the joy of our salvation! We read the Word because, little by little, day by day, year by year, it changes us to make us look more like Jesus. I think of Simon Peter, who—when everyone was walking away from Jesus and Jesus asked him if he was going to leave too—replied “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.” Friends, the Bible is the very Word of God, and this Word is life.”

“Bad theology hurts people… because how we know God and what we think of him trickles down to every other part of our life. It trickles down to what we think about ourselves, what we think about our relationship with him, his relationship to us, his relationship to the world, our relationship to the world around us… everything is affected by what we think of him. So if we have bad theology, it’s going to hurt us eventually.”

“In our humanity we want to fully grasp everything, and part of that is because we want control, but we will never control him. That also means that we may never fully understand him. Even in the new heavens and new earth we are not going to be infinite, and he is.” (Job 38, Isaiah 40)

“Just like the little girl looks up at her dad and she knows enough to know he’s trustworthy, we don’t have to fully understand him to fully trust him.”

“Jesus came and lived and died as a human and the reality is, he fully knows us and that is way more what we need than for us to fully understand him. We know enough. We know what we need to know to trust him.”

Lauren: “This truth is humbling and convicting—at least for me. “We don’t have to fully understand God to trust him.” But this is so hard, isn’t it? I feel that often I butt up against this truth in the midst of difficult circumstances, like when God says “no” to my prayer for a good thing or when he chooses to walk me through a season of suffering. When this happens, and as we realize we don’t understand what’s going on—and that we don’t understand God in it—we can be quick to turn to frustration and doubt. We ask, “How could God do this?” — we question GOD! I’m convicted of how often I struggle to believe God is who he says he is, how quick I am to ask questions of him when he does something hard in my life. And while, yes, the Lord is patient with us and gracious with our doubts, at the same time, who are we to question him? He is holy, he is God. Just like in the story of Job, which Chris pointed us to, we can be quick to lose sight of God’s holiness, his other-ness, his set-apart-ness. We too need to be reminded that God is God and we are not. We need to be humbled, like Job was. We need to be brought to our faces in awe like everyone in Scripture who caught a glimpse of God’s glory. We need to remember that God being God is enough of a reason to be able to trust him, even when things are hard. In seasons of difficulty, God’s grace can handle our doubts and questions and wrestling prayers, but at the end of the day, as believers we also are freed to let go of our disbelief and fall on our faces in faith before a God who is holy and who is God. We know enough about him to be able to trust that everything he does is good and right and just. Even in what we perceive as his “slowness” to answer our prayers, even in his “no’s” and “not yet’s”, even in the paths of suffering he chooses for us, we can know enough about his character to know that he can be trusted. If a Journeywoman is one who seeks to know God more, let’s seek to know him here too—in the difficult places. Let’s always be seeking to grow in our capacity to trust him, know him, and love him.”

“God is a person, and his children as they grow are more and more like him, so one way we know him is by getting to know his children… Look at the people of God, look at them as a family, look at how they love each other. That is one way we can know him.”

“He will disrupt you in the places where you try to master him and become him. He will keep disrupting you because he’s faithful, it’s who he is. He is after you and he’s not going to give up.”

“Relationships with a person are based on trust. Intimacy grows through the time that you spend. Heart knowledge happens through connection and conversation and honesty, and that kind of knowledge is not a bunch of facts. It’s not even a good systematic theology. It’s a heart of flesh that’s given to us by the Holy Spirit.”

“A lot of us do know a lot about God, but we do not know him. We don’t trust him, there’s no intimacy, there’s not a give and take, a push and pull, a crying out and waiting on him, and that’s a big difference. That’s a danger when we study him.”

“What did Jesus look like as he walked around this earth? He was patient and kind, he didn’t keep a record of wrong, he approached people that everybody else rejected, he went after the outsider, he was quick to forgive when people acknowledged their sin, he cared about the poor and the marginalized. One of the big things was that his actions matched his words - he had perfect integrity. He trusted his father, he loved his father and it was so obvious. He held the kingdom as his first priority and everything else came after that.”

“The Christian life is a fight, and I think that’s something that we don’t like to talk about. But we wrestle, we plead, we fight our sin, we cry out, we rejoice, we abide in him, we love him, it’s this growing intimacy. Of course our growth is cyclical and it’s never a straight line, but I think you can see these things in people.”

“It is not unusual to go through a period of doubt. You are not alone. This is normative. Don’t think that God has left you.”

Practical steps:

  • “Find someone to read the Bible with you and check in with each other about it.”

  • “Find some place that speaks to you in the Bible about God’s faithfulness, write it down, and put it in front of you. Remember: God is more invested in this than you are.”


John 1:14

Romans 1:18-20

Job 38

Isaiah 40

Colossians 1:16

Matthew 7:22

Mark 9:24

Psalm 130

Romans 8

Philippians 1:6


  1. What are the primary ways that God reveals himself to us?

  2. How can you know God more?

  3. How does knowing and loving God change who you are and the way you live?

  4. What specific steps can you take to grow in your knowledge of and love for God?

  5. What are you going to do or implement as a result of what you’ve learned this week?


Journeywomen interviews are intended to serve as a springboard for continued study in the context of your local church. While we carefully select guests each week, interviews do not imply Journeywomen's endorsement of all writings and positions of the interviewee or any other resources mentioned.

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Christine B. Gordon

Christine B. Gordon, MATS, is wife to Michael and mother of three. She is the co-founder of At His Feet Studies and a visiting instructor at Covenant Theological Seminary. She loves to walk, make music with other people, and share bad puns with her family. 


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