Ask Us Anything with Brooks Beless

On today’s episode of Journeywomen I’m chatting with my very own Brooks Beless! If this is your first episode and you have no idea who that is, Brooks is my husband of seven years as of today! Today we answered questions you submitted on Instagram about our love story, our family, and upcoming plans for Journeywomen since this is our very last episode before my maternity leave! Don’t worry, the Lord willing we will be back to airing new episodes of Journeywomen in 2019, but until then, let me share a few of my favorite moments from 2018:

The Will of God with Jen Wilkin

“God who is the God of all outcomes is able to work with any decision that we make. And that’s what, if we look back on our lives, we typically see him doing. The decision point always seems like the big moment for us, but in reality God is always more concerned with the decision maker than he is with any given decision. I would argue that the better question to ask regarding God’s will is not what should I do but who should I be?”

Same Sex Attraction, Identity, and the Christian with Jackie Hill Perry

“What God wants me to do is to continually remember the gospel and glean from the gospel as it relates to my temptations, or my desires, or my trials, or my sufferings, or even my victories, in that even in my victories I can be thankful for it where I can thank him truly instead of saying, ‘I did this.’”

Spiritual Disciplines with Brad Evangelista

“There’s a 25 or maybe 30-year-old mom that may be listening to this and right now one of the fruits that God is building in her life is not feelings of awesomeness, but right now he’s developing in her life spiritual grit. He’s putting calluses, spiritually speaking, on her hands, so that when she is a 55 or 60 year-old-woman 20 or 30 years from now, she’s going to be able to come alongside a young, tired, struggling, frustrated, mom and say, ‘Sister, you’re going to make it,’ and that’s the fruit that God is producing and anchoring and digging deep into a young woman’s life right now. And the thing is, I would say to that sister is just, ‘Hold on, the harvest will come in and through your life of godliness, but it takes time! It takes time.’”  

Growing in Godliness with Nana Dolce

“You’re not able to repent unless the Spirit of God is working in you to repent. So even if most of your day is filled with repentance, go ahead and press on. If all you’re doing is crawling, crawl. If all you’re doing is limping, limp.”

What a year it’s been! It’s such a joy to get to journey alongside you all. Be sure to subscribe to the podcast so you won’t miss new episodes with guests like these when we come back on April 1. You can also hop over to social media where we’ll be highlighting episodes from the archives.

  1. What do you do?

  2. Tell us your love story? How did you and Hunter meet?

  3. What was your first impression of one another?

  4. What was your favorite date night when you were dating? What are some of your favorite things to do together now that you’re married?

  5. What are some of your simple joys about marriage?

  6. How did having kids change your marriage and how do you protect your marriage now that you have kiddos?

  7. Do you expect aspects of your parenting to evolve once number three arrives?

  8. What does Hunter do that encourages you the most? Especially if you aren’t a words of affirmation guy.

  9. How does Hunter challenge you to be more like Christ? How do you challenge Hunter?

  1. Do you set goals as a couple?


  1. What three, last minute gift ideas would you suggest for a woman looking to gift something good to her man this Christmas?

  2. What are your 3 simple joys?

  3. Who has had the greatest impact on your journey with Jesus?


Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy by Eric Metaxas

Martin Luther: The Man Who Rediscovered God and Changed the World by Eric Metaxas

A gift toward his hobby

Time away with guy friends


Episode 55 on Loving Our Dads Well with Jerad Lopes

You Need A Budget


When his daughters greet him getting home from work

Well balanced budget

Time with guys


Journeywomen interviews are intended to serve as a springboard for continued study in the context of your local church. While we carefully select guests each week, interviews do not imply Journeywomen's endorsement of all writings and positions of the interviewee or any other resources mentioned.

Affiliate links used are used where appropriate. Thank you for supporting the products that support Journeywomen!


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Hunter Beless

Hunter Beless is passionate about helping women know and love God more, especially through His Word. She is the founder of Journeywomen, hosts the Journeywomen podcast, loves doing ministry in her local church context, and is the author of Read It, See It, Say It, Sing It. Hunter and her husband, Brooks, have four amazing kiddos. When they’re not reading, seeing, saying, or singing the Bible, you can find the Beless family camping, riding bikes, or snuggling up with a good book. You can find her on Instagram and at

The Mission of the Church with Trillia Newbell


Remembering with Betsy Gómez