Motherhood with Heather MacFadyen

On this episode of the Journeywomen podcast I had the privilege of chatting with Heather MacFadyen of the God Centered Mom Podcast on the topic of motherhood. Heather and I talked all things mothering, from prioritizing time in the Word to gospel-centered encouragement for tired mamas like myself. This episode is truth-filled, rich, and I probably laughed a little too much.

Heather has been married since the turn of the century which she says sounds more impressive than it is--though I personally beg to differ. She is the mother of four young boys (born exactly, to the day, within 6 1/2 years . . . just like she’d always planned). Heather hosts a weekly podcast (The God Centered Mom Podcast) interviewing fellow journeyers on the topic of motherhood. On social media she chronicles the colorful chaos of "relentlessly replacing ‘me’ with ‘He’" — sharing the daily struggle of remaining God-centered while mothering four wild-at-heart, energetic, and often stubborn boys. Her heart is for moms to know God's great delight over them. How He sees the unseen eternal work they do every day. And to know they “Don’t Mom Alone."

  1. How do you define motherhood?

  2. Can you help us set a Biblical foundation for motherhood? What does Scripture say about it?

  3. How does motherhood relate to the gospel? Practically, how can we put the gospel on display as mothers?

  4. What about when we fail? How should we respond? And what encouragement do we have to press forward in making little disciples?

  5. How can we connect with and love mothers who parent differently than we do?

  6. What are some lies we might find ourselves particularly subjected to as mothers? What are truths to hold onto to combat those lies?

  7. What are some other practical ways to get into the Word as a mom?

  8. How about being in community and serving in the church (especially for the tired mama)?

  9. Do you have any encouragement for the mama who feels overwhelmed by her motherly calling?

  10. What are some things you do to help you recharge as a mom?


3 Questions I Ask Every Guest

  1. What 3 resources would you recommend for motherhood?

  2. What are 3 of your simple joys?

  3. Who has had the biggest influence on your own journey with Jesus?


Note Worthy Quotes

“Motherhood feels unique and special in that it’s one role in which you get to intimately love another human soul in a kind of selfless service, tangible grace, moment to moment discipleship. If you’ve ever served in any ministry it’s the one ministry where they’re seeing you in your worst and best place, and you get to minister to them in their hardest and best moments. It’s such an interweaving of lives even beyond your spouse because they’re part of you. Or, through adoption, it’s hard too. You get to see a perfect reflection of God’s love and how we are grafted into the kingdom because of Jesus.”  

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations.” Jeremiah 1:5

“Each of our children are on their own journeys. To bubble wrap them and protect them is to sabotage that God has them on some journey… we can’t forget that God will use [hard things] for his glory. In trying to protect them we might sabotage what God is trying to do in their lives.”

“Sin is choosing my way over God’s way.”

“The Gospel is that Jesus came, God made flesh, and he took the penalty for all our sin. It doesn’t mean that we’ll never sin again, it just means that when God sees me he sees Jesus. I have to remember that all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. I’m on the same side as my kids. We both need Jesus. I cannot come at it from the other side.”

“God tells us that we all need help. I’m so thankful he sent Jesus. I’m so thankful we aren’t able to get out of this mess. All we need to do is ask Jesus to help us out of this mess… We can say, ‘Lord, help me.’”

“There’s confession and then there’s repentance. If you’re in a season where you’re constantly confessing the same thing to your kids, they will constantly forgive you, but at some point there might be a deeper issue that you need to work with God to really repent, which means to turn 180 degrees.”  

“It’s amazing how often God compares his relationship with Israel to a mom. Again, outside of how the child came about, or outside of what the mom is doing for a job, he talks about the nursing mother and how can she forget her nursing child? He will not forget Israel. In Isaiah 66 as a mother comforts you, so shall you be comforted. I’m seeing comfort and compassion. In Proverbs it says don’t forget your mother’s teaching--we have that role--teaching. And then in Timothy we see his faith coming from his mother and his grandmother. We have this opportunity to be compassionate, comforting, teaching, faith-building women to whatever children God has placed into our lives and whatever souls he has handed us for that time. If there is anything getting in the way of that, that’s where we need to spend some time with God and in community talk through why that is. What hurts am I holding onto from my past? What lies are circling around in my head that are causing me to consistently struggle with x, y, or z?”  

“Think about a dominant feeling that you have. Journal out three or four thoughts you remember having. Ask the Lord where this is coming from and what happens as a result of these feelings. Write all of those things down and then ask God, ‘What is true?’”

“Spend some time with God doing an analysis of your feelings, thoughts, and what you do as a result, is a good place to start.”

“God, show me what you want me to know about you in this situation where I’m feeling like I’m not enough. Instead of feeling like you didn’t make me right or like I just can’t get it together, show me actually what’s true about YOU God instead of making it about ME not getting it together.”

Tips for getting in the Word as a mom:

  1. Leave the Bible out on the counter.

  2. Keep a separate journal of impactful verses.

  3. Practice waking before your kids wake.

“Calling is what all of us have been given to go into the world and make disciples.  Assignment is where we’re doing that.” -Kat Armstrong

 “If my eyes are towards Christ and I’m lifting my eyes to him, then my kids are going to watch what I do more than they do what I say. They’re going to watch and do what I do more than they do what I tell them to do. If my eyes are constantly on them, that’s overwhelming. But it’s not overwhelming to turn to Christ and say, ‘Help me get my relationship right with you,’ and for your children to come alongside you in that.”


Heather's Resources

Gospel-Centered Mom

Kat Lee Hello Mornings

Ivory Soap in Microwave Experiment

Parenting by Paul David Tripp

REVING the Word, Revelation Wellness Podcast Episodes

Steps into God's Grace by Lynn Hoffmann


Heather's Simple Joys

Old episodes of Friends the TV Show

Saturday morning walks with her husband

Good girl time


Journeywomen interviews are intended to serve as a springboard for continued study in the context of your local church. While we carefully select guests each week, interviews do not imply Journeywomen's endorsement of all writings and positions of the interviewee or any other resources mentioned.

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Heather MacFadyen

Heather MacFadyen is the host of the popular parenting podcast Don't Mom Alone, with more than 18 million downloads from around the globe, as well as the author of the book Don't Mom Alone. She finds great joy in connecting other women to mentors and experts through her podcast and in speaking at live events with women across the country. She and her husband and their four sons live in Dallas, Texas.


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